Williamsburg Social a Hit

IMG_5630With FMS parents, friends and Alumni representing the classes of 1936 through 2006, the Williamsburg Lodge was bursting at its seams with Fishburne pride on Friday night for the Fishburne-Hudgins Educational Foundation, Inc’s annual Alumni Social.

The social, held in conjunction with the FHEF’s Board of Trustees meeting, proved to be a rousing success with over 60 in attendance at the Friday night event. As old friends traded stories over a light meal, new-found brothers debated ratline hardships and guests were finally able to put faces to some of the tales they’d been regaled with over the years.

Commander William White USNR(ret), FMS Class of 1936, was recognized as the senior Caisson on deck andIMG_5663 presented with new FMS ball cap by Superintendent COL Gary Morrison (VA) FMS ’81 and FHEF President Mr. Ted Moroney ’73. White spent the evening chatting with Alumni from the various classes and enjoying a little well-earned time in the FMS spotlight.

Morrison and Moroney also spent the evening catching up with fellow Alumni and answering questions about current initiatives at the school and future plans for FMS.

“These socials are a great opportunity for us to get together as Alumni,” Morrison noted, “and to discuss what’s going on at Fishburne. They also present a really unique chance to talk about how we want to see our Alma Mater move into the future.”

IMG_5651“Getting together in a relaxed setting like this, getting to meet Alumni from so many different generations and seeing everyone’s support for the school really helps you to remember what a special bond it is that we all share and what a special place Fishburne truly is;” said Board of Visitor President Derrick Weaver, FMS ’99. 

“Besides,” he added, “I don’t think there’s anything more fun than a room filled with Caissons.” 

The next FMS Alumni event will be the FMS Alumni Reception, hosted by Mr. Ed Weisiger FMS ’50 in Charlotte, NC on February 21st. For details on this event visit the Alumni Events section at www.Fishburne.org.