PG Basketball Serving the Community

IMG_5514Time and time again the Fishburne Military School Post-Graduate Basketball team has shown its commitment on the court. This is a team with heart, confidence, pride and determination that continues to prove its strength with hard fought victories like the one posted against #1-ranked MMA earlier this month. But, as head coach Ed Huckaby is quick to point out, the young men who make up the 2012-2013 Caissons are more than just good ballers.

“These are truly good kids, with good hearts trying their best to do good things,” Huckaby stressed. “That’s why it’s important for us to get out into the community and give back as often as we can…so these kids can have that outlet too.”

Last night, Huckaby and his team took a short trip to the Waynesboro YMCA to continue their efforts to give back to the community. Acting as  coaches, referees, scorekeepers and fans, the team breathed an excitement into the youthIMG_5527 basketball program that put smiles on the faces of about 25 children.

With the little ones happily chirping out questions like “Can you REALLY dunk?” and buzzing around the gym, Huckaby stood smiling and taking it all in. “These children really look up to our guys and and they’re so excited to know that we’re here because we value and care about them,” he mused, “it’s a happy, wholesome memory that no one can ever take away from them…it’s the kind of thing that my guys will never forget either. This kind of interaction is good for all of us.”

IMG_5504With that, Huckaby’s focus falls on a little boy dribbling nearby and studying him. Huckaby dribbles his way over and offers with a smile “Do you think I can make this shot?” Playfully the boy blurts out “No.” Always coaching, as Huckaby drains the shot he starts offering tips and pointers, “Here…watch…now you try…” 

 Although the stated purpose of these basketball clinics is “to teach the fundamentals of the game with an emphasis on individual and team development”, it’s readily apparent that there is a lot more going on here. Young men learning to mentor and discovering the joys of community service…children finding friendly and caring faces eager to spend time with them…and one proud Coach thrilled to help export the Fishburne experience. 

The Caissons will return to the Waynesboro YMCA for another youth basketball clinic for 1st through 5th graders on Monday, February 4th at 7:30pm.