Michael’s Ride II – The Best Kind of Testimonial

Yesterday the Corps of Cadets at Fishburne formed pre-dawn to send off Mario and Thomas Woodard as they began their second annual bike ride from Waynesboro to Richmond. As most of the FMS Community will recall, Mario developed Michael’s Ride last year to commemorate the life of his son, Michael Woodard (’07), who died in a car accident on his way to visit Fishburne. Michael was on a break from the University of West Virginia where he was a student.

Fishburne/Waynesboro at dawn

Fishburne/Waynesboro at dawn

While I had been working with Mario for several months prior to the event to assist in the raising of funds, to garner some publicity, and for logistics, I’d never really considered what this event means for Fishburne. My thoughts had always gravitated towards the incredible love Mario (and his family) must have for Michael in order to remember him in this way… a one-hundred mile bike ride.

Mario and Thomas Woodard leaving the grounds

Mario and Thomas Woodard leaving the grounds

After meeting Mario, Thomas, and their family at Joe’s Inn in Richmond yesterday afternoon, I realized that there could not possibly be a greater testimonial to the fundamental greatness of the Fishburne experience than what had just transpired. The thought also occured to me at the same time that Mario would be justified if he despised Fishburne because Michael died while attempting to visit the school. But instead Mario and his family have worked tirelessly to honor the School and to tell as many people as possible that Fishburne helped give their son something special in his young life, and ultimately was not responsible for taking his life away. Furthermore, it’s one thing to ride from Waynesboro to Richmond as a tribute to Michael, it’s another thing all together to raise money for Fishburne’s Tuition Assistance Fund.

Michael Woodard was with us at FMS yesterday

Michael Woodard was with us at FMS yesterday

I realized yesterday how special a place Fishburne must be in order for someone to believe that it delivered such a postitive impact in their son’s life that it was worthy of this sort of memorial. As a relatively new employee to Fishburne, I was very proud of the School yesterday. This is clearly a very special place.


Ryan Catherwood

Communications Director

Mario and Thomas at the completion of their journey

Mario and Thomas at the completion of their journey