JROTC – Results and Images from Woodrow Wilson High School Drill Meet

The Fishburne Military School Color Guard and Drill Teams competed at the 13th Annual Woodrow Wilson High School JROTC Drill Meet in Portsmouth, VA.  The teams woke up at 0350 hours on Saturday morning and traveled over 3 hours to their second drill competition of the 2009-10 school year.  There were 21 high schools competing at this meet. All the cadets performed at a high level and their personal conduct during the meet was excellent.

We were short handed as our senior drill team members had ACT Testing, and we also lost some of our team members due to the wrestling match. The Exhibition Drill team had a very successful drill meet by placing second in their two events.  Fishburne just missed placing in the Color Guard category.  The Color Guard’s performance was flawless. It Watkins first time as Color Guard commander and he did and outstanding job in preparing the color guard for this event. Unfortunately the host school decided to establish two different drill areas with separate judges and that caused s difference on the way it was scored. Some first year regulation drill team members received some valuable experienced in both leading and performing in both armed and unarmed events.  Cadet Rogers, Kim, Montgomery, Cleveland, and Lawrence were the regulation drill team event commanders and all did an excellent job leading their units.

Cadet Patrick Guiffre the first non-senior to command the Hudgins Drill team did an exceptional job leading both squad and platoon armed exhibition events.

Exhibition Drill Team (Squad) – Second Place Trophy Commanded by Patrick Guiffre

Hudgins Rifles (Squad) team members are: Barton, Critchley, Davenport, Owens-Wargo, Ulrich, and Walker

Exhibition Drill Team (Platoon) – Second Place Trophy Commanded by Patrick Giffre

Hudgins Rifles (Platoon) team members are: Barton, Critchley, Davenport, Deslippe, Dobson, O’Hara, Owens-Wargo, Payne, Thomas, Ulrich, Walker, and Yeago,


Colonel Hunt