FMS News

The Long Gray Line lives in Massachusetts

Below is a letter sent to Debbie Todd, FMS Alumni Affairs Director, from Mr. David Coyle ’43, on August 16th, 2010. Dear Debbie: Enclosed you will find a photo taken last Thursday of Sam Hollander ’10, and myself. We had been in touch by telephone and I suggested to meet someplace local for lunch and […]

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Michael’s Ride III

This year I’m hoping to increase donations from Michael’s Ride III in an effort to increase aid that we can give to young men who would not have the opportunity to attend Fishburne Military School without financial assistance. Michael’s brother, Thomas, will be flying in from Wyoming to participate in the ride again this year. His presence and commitment to the ride last year was a blessing.

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Summer at Fishburne

Your faculty and staff at Fishburne have had a busy summer. Our Summer School 2010 program was wildly successful. One-hundred and twelve cadets enrolled in the five-week session which included an exciting new flight training program, several day trips, and two classrooms were issued Apple iPads as learning enhancements. Fishburne is working to coordinate a flight training opportunity for cadets during the regular school year. All cadets are encouraged to bring iPads (not 3G version) to school with them for the start of the Fall Semester.

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Images and Comments from the Memorial Service of Alex Bayer ’01

At the grave site, our boys, in front of the entire crowd and as part of the official ceremony, were to offer their condolences to the family, something they hadn’t expected and which definitely placed them out of their comfort zone. They were magnificent in their response. Mike Bayer, Alex’s father, commented that as the boys expressed those condolences to the family, (after an hour at the church, a mile march in coatees, white ducks and shako’s plus twenty minutes at the grave site, in DC heat and humidity) that their faces were bathed in sweat and it was dripping from underneath their shakos. They were perfect troopers and of great comfort to both him and Barbara as living reminders of Alex not so long ago.

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Memorial for Chief Warrant Officer Alexander Moore Bayer

Alex was born on November 27, 1981 and baptized at St. Jane Frances De Chantal Roman Catholic Church. He grew up in Potomac, Maryland where his early passions in life were shaped by his summers in Nantucket and weekend winter ski trips to the mountains of West Virginia. He became an avid and accomplished fisherman and a powerful and versatile skier. He tackled every activity fearlessly and with complete abandonment. He loved life and he loved living it.

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Fishburne PG Hoops Hires New Assistant Coach

Fishburne is pleased to announce that the Caissons PG Basketball Team has hired a new Assistant Coach. Franklin Kipps Birckhead, who goes by “Kipps,” will pace the sideline along with Head Coach Ed Huckaby during the 2010-2011 basketball season. Coach Birckhead is a native Virginian, attended St. Anne’s Belfield School in Charlottesville, the University of Virginia, and is currently working on his Master’s of Science in Sports Leadership from Virginia Commonwealth University.

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College Acceptances for 2010!

The following colleges and universities accepted a member of the 2010 graduating class: Appalachian State University, Arizona State University, Arkansas Baptist College, Bridgewater College, Central Connecticut University, Emory and Henry College, Fairmont State University, Hampden-Sydney College, James Madison University, Lincoln University, Longwood University, Lynchburg College, Massachusetts Maritime Academy, Mississippi State University, North Georgia College and […]

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Photos and Facebook

It was great to see everyone here for Graduation! I took lots of photos and have posted them all to our Facebook profile. I would like to encourage all parents who aren’t already to become a “Fan” of our Facebook page. Even if your son has now graduated from FMS, I hope you will stay involved as part of the greater Fishburne community. If you see an image you like (and you have a PC) you can “right-click” and select “Save Image As” and that JPEG should download. I’m certain you can do the same on a Mac I just don’t know exactly how.

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Cadets build great bridges

The physical science bridge building project combines math, science, and art. Bridges were evaluated on teamwork, functionality, strength, design, creativity, and artistic merit.

As with many of the great engineering structures around the world, bridges are often as much a work of art and a reflection of culture as much as engineering serviceability.

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Submit your article and class notes for the next Quadrangle!

It’s time to start work again on the next edition of The Quadrangle. Your articles and class notes make the publication great. Please try to keep article submissions to 450 words or less. We’ll do our best to get as many submissions into The Quadrangle as possible. With that in mind, there might not be room for all submissions. Fishburne reserves the right to make final edits and placement decisions.

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