FMS News

Cadet Honored as Ethics Award Recipient

Cadet Sutton C. Jones, son of Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Jones from Knoxville, TN, was honored before the assembled Corps of Cadets today at Fishburne Military School. Jones was selected as this year’s winner of the Staunton Rotary Club’s Code of Ethics Award.

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Fishburne Military Schools “Michael’s Ride” Moves to May

In 2008, Mario Woodard made the first Michael’s Ride from Fishburne Military School to Richmond, VA in order to raise funds needed to establish the Michael Woodard Memorial Scholarship. Since that time, the event has grown and evolved into an annual family-friendly event.

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Fishburne Military Schools Trustees Announce Williamsburg Social

“These events,” noted FMS Director of Alumni Affairs, Mrs. Debbie Todd, “are an amazing way for Alumni to network, trade stories, share a good meal and just enjoy being a part of this Family.”

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One Giant Leap for Fishburne Military School

Fishburne Military School (Waynesboro, VA) Cadets are going supersonic this weekend as members of the new Rocketry Club put weeks of hard work to the test in Monterey, VA. The team will be launching three rockets from the Valley AeroSpace Team’s (VAST) site in an effort to qualify for competitive launches in March.

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Eight from Fishburne Military School Named to VISAA All-State Team

Fishburne Military School’s banner year in football has gotten notice state-wide. The Virginia Independent Schools Athletics Association (VISAA) has named eight Cadets from FMS to their All-State team for 2013-2014. All-State ballots are cast by high school coaches from around the league with highest honors going to those named 1st Team All-State student athletes.

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Video: Wreaths Across America

Fishburne Military School participated in the Wreaths Across America program on Tuesday, Dec. 10. Brig. Gen. (Ret.) John E. Sayers Jr. was the keynote speaker at the event. Cadets placed wreaths in memory of fallen service members from the U.S. Army, Navy, Marine Corps, Air Force, Coast Guard and Merchant Marines. A special wreath was placed in memory of former FMS TAC Officer Daniel West.

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Fishburne Military School Helping Do Most Good

Thursday night Fishburne Military School Key Club gathered down at Salvation Army for their annual Christmas box packing. Each year Cadets answer the call of the Salvation Army to help feed the area’s less fortunate. The food drive, coordinated by the Waynesboro Kiwanis Club and Salvation Army, depends greatly each year upon Fishburne’s Key Club students to provide much needed support such as this.

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NHS and Key Club Team up to Wish a Merry Christmas to Troops

Two hundred twenty-two holiday wishes are on their way to members of the Armed Services who are on active duty this Christmas. Being away from loved ones is never easy, but it is especially difficult at this time of year.

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International students add to culture at Fishburne Military School

Close to 10 percent of the Fishburne Military School cadet corps is international students like Cho. Admissions director Cedrick Broadhurst said international families look at FMS “because we offer the discipline, the respect, the things they need to be able to succeed in life.”

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Former congressman, Cabinet secretary addresses Fishburne on Veterans Day

The threats faced today and tomorrow are different than any in the history of mankind, said former congressman, Secretary of the Army and National Security Advisor John Marsh in a Veterans Day address at Fishburne Military School in Waynesboro on Monday.

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