Spring Break Activities for Cadets While at Home

Just three weeks away (March 13-21), Spring Break is a time we encourage our parents to schedule an activity or multiple activities that might be more engaging for a young cadet rather than spending all their time playing X-box, Play Station, or the Nintendo Wii. Although the best opportunities require a little effort on the part of parents to organize something meaningful, the added benefits far exceed simply occupying his time and works to enhance his resume. We make note of this upcoming opportunity because volunteering (or working) during Spring Break can play a pivotal role in the development of each cadet.

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Wrestling Season Ends with One Caisson in the Parade of Champions!!!

Excitement was the word of the day as all but two wrestlers had never taken part in a wrestling tournament of this nature; a State Championship Tournament. The tournament started out tough. Kyle Harvey lost his weigh-in to the scale and was out before it started. Kyle has been fighting a mid season growth spurt and has struggled the entire time in maintaining his weight below the allowed 121 pounds. The rest of the team made it safely and were ready to take their shot at the glory of winning at a state tournament.

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Football Schedule for Fall ’10

This schedule is more or less final.  Any questions let me know.  Mike

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Images from Winter Military Weekend

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Fishburne Wins Match-Up Against VMI’s Club Team

Great team effort again. I was pleased with how we shared the ball and continued to play very unselfish. Although we had a big lead our guys continued to work on our execution and defensive effort, things that have been the staple of our program, We did not have any single player standout alone but, what we did have was a collective effort and enthusiasm throughout the game. I also would like to say how impressed I was with the VMI campus. It is an awesome place and our players truly enjoyed the opportunity and experience. I got to spend some time with a few of the VMI student-athletes and let them know how special they were. Several of them shared with me that they will be commissioned in May and will likely be assigned in either Iraq or Afghanistan by the end of the year. Like many, I am very grateful for the service they are giving our great Nation. I would also ask that All of us keep them in our Prayers and thoughts. And last, I would like to give a special thanks to Paul Maini, a 27 year veteran of VMI for giving Fishburne Cadets the opportunity to experience the VMI campus. He shared some stories, gave a brief history of the school and talked a little about his Vietnam experience. There were no losers today just all winners.

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PG Hoops Takes Down Progressive Christian Academy

It was great effort by our guys in terms of grinding it out for 40 minutes. I thought that Quincy Taylor and Marquise Barfield did an excellent leading our team and keeping us calm under some tough situations. Chris Nelson I thought was outstanding throughout the game. His defensive and rebounding effort was key to us jumping out to an early lead and setting the table for our effort in the game. I am please with our effort and mental toughness as we are going down the stretch of very good season.

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Caisson Wrestling Team Earns Respect at VIC Championship

It was a very bright day for the kids on the wrestling team as they did the FMS Family proud all day long. Now only one more step remains this season and that’s the State Championship Tournament in Richmond on Friday and Saturday, Feb 19th & 20th. We hope to finish in the top 4 which would provide us a birth in the Prep School National tournament the following weekend at Lehigh University.

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Captain Dillon discusses Snowy Nights at Fishburne!

As a night shift TAC Officer that works every weekend with our cadets, there are different shades to every season at FMS. Yet, by the time the chill of late fall and the early winter arrives, the cadets have settled into the day to day routine where only a few are seen at night.

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2009-2010 Wrestling Season Wrap-Up

With the VIC Championship Tournament set to take place this weekend (Sat., 13 Feb) it’s time to look back at how the regular season went for the Caisson Wrestling Team. There were several highlights for the season, so lets take a look at how it all panned-out.

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Chris Nelson: Reaching out to Haiti

Sometimes the aftermath of great tragedies brings forth with it tremendous acts of humanity and compassion. Chris Nelson, a PG Basketball player from Atlanta, Georgia, volunteered at Hartsfield-Jackson Airport for almost forty hours in an effort to load Delta planes with food, water and supplies bound for Port-au-Prince, Haiti. Nelson noted that, “through life he’s had a lot of help, and the volunteer effort with Delta was a great change to give back.”

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