Michael’s Ride III

Thanks to you, last year my son Thomas Woodard and I raised over $2,600 for Michael’s Ride, an event to honor the memory of our son and Thomas’s brother. All of the money raised went to the student assistance fund at Fishburne Military School. We were very pleased with everyone’s generosity, especially in light of the recession!

This year I’m hoping to increase donations from Michael’s Ride III in an effort to increase aid that we can give to young men who would not have the opportunity to attend Fishburne Military School without financial assistance. Michael’s brother, Thomas, will be flying in from Wyoming to participate in the ride again this year. His presence and commitment to the ride last year was a blessing.

The seed that was planted two years ago is now well rooted and growing. We are all part of something very special. An event which honors the memory of a very special young man and through that honor produces opportunity for other young men to come together as brothers and grow into responsible young adults.

We are humbled and thankful for your previous support and want you to know that you will always be a part of this event and what it stands for.

Please send any donations to Fishburne Military School, 225 South Wayne Ave., Waynesboro, VA. 22980, Attention Debbie Todd. All donations are tax deductable. Checks should be made payable to Fishburne Military School, and in the Memo part of your check, please put Michael’s Ride.


Mario Woodard and all of Michael’s Family