Fishburne Military School Kicks Off Summer Session 2014

IMG_5463More than 90 Cadets matriculated this weekend for Fishburne Military School’s Summer Session 2014. The program, which combines a robust slate of athletic and military activities with a rigorous academic schedule, was designed to provide young men with a healthy and motivating environment in which they may strengthen their academic foundations or work to get ahead in the classroom.

“We’re definitely pleased with the number and quality of young men who chose Fishburne this summer,” noted FMS Admissions Director, Mr. Cedrick Broadhurst, “each year we generate a greater amount of interest in our military summer session and this, in turn, helps us to reach more young men who would make good candidates for the Fall Session. We have a great summer program here and it’s gratifying to see the interest in it steadily growing.”

Throughout the course of the 5-week program, summer cadets participate fully in JROTC duties and leadership studies.  Fishburne Military School is one of only four schools in the nation permitted to grant JROTC credit during their summer IMG_5468session. With weekly JROTC activities such as rappelling, orienteering and more, for all summer cadets, Fishburne ssems to have struck a balance between academics and adventure training that makes this program unique and appealing to families for a number of reasons.

“Some Families choose [Fishburne] for the individualized attention in the classroom,” explains Broadhurst, “some choose us to earn JROTC credit, and some choose us because we offer a chance for young men to get off the couch and do something rewarding with their summers.”

The 2014 Fishburne Summer Experience kicked off right away on Saturday as the summer cadets, following morning registration, uniform/equipment issue, haircuts and room assignments, gathered in Lawton Chapel for some introductory instruction regarding life as a Fisbhurne Cadet. The students were first greeted by the faculty and staff and then guided through a discussion of weighty issues such as the Fishburne Military School Honor Code and Regulation Book by the Commandant of Cadets, LTC Alec Gunn (VA).

Before breaking for supper, the summer cadets were taken to the barracks where the Commandant, TAC Officers and 10441900_10201650133970246_4829860311614916863_nCadet Leaders instructed them on proper room organization and standards for daily room inspection.

Following the supper break, the summer corps took advantage of remaining daylight to begin Drill and Ceremony instruction on the front parapet.

For many of the young men, their first day as a Fishburne Cadet ended with an hour of hygiene, unpacking and free-time before TAPS and lights out were sounded promptly at 10:15 p.m.

The weekend of instruction and effort already began to show results by this morning as the Corps formed up for morning accountability at 0645, fell into their routines for morning hygiene, barracks clean-up and breakfast before getting on to the business of their first day of classroom studies at 0830.

“The Cadet Leaders and their JROTC instructors,” remarks FMS Superintendent, COL Gary Morrison (VA), FMS Class of 1981, “continue to amaze me with their consistent professionalism, enthusiasm and commitment. When you look around and see an environment where everyone is so focused on progress and success, you can’t help but feel proud. We really are witnessing the founder’s vision of a first-class institution coming alive during the Summers now as well…and that’s a great feeling.”