Fishburne Cadets Help 1st Presbyterian Church Take Down Christmas Decorations

Below are thank you letters sent by Mrs. Betty Johnson after FMS Cadets aided in helping the church take down decorations.

Quotes from Thank You Note 1:

” Dear Mrs. Susan Johnson,

Words can’t begin to express to you how much we at 1st Presbyterian Church appreciate all the work the cadets did in taking the Christmas decorations down and put away. They did an outstanding job and it was so appreciated. Again, thank your young men. You are special!


Mrs. Betty Johnson”

Quote from Thank You Note 2:

“Dear Susan,

I want to thank you for all the trouble you go to getting the cadets over to the church to help us. I really do appreciate all you do and all the cadets did. I am going to be sure the congregation knows what a great help they were. Thank you and the cadets!


Betty Johnson

Click to see actual thank you note!